Sassy Class
"Philadelphia, PA ( -- A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania finds that teaching abstinence education to young teenagers in public schools reduces their sexual behavior. The study found that abstinence helped delay the starting point at which teenagers begin having sexual relations. The Penn researchers studied 662 African-American students in 6th and 7th grade from inner-city schools in Philadelphia. They found that those who were taught abstinence were less likely to have had sexual relations in a 24 month followup compared to those who were taught about safer sex through the use of condoms but didn't mention abstinence...."---)------------ Here is where the "Education Crowd" gets me. On one hand, education is the salvation for the uninformed masses -- until it comes to ABSTINENCE! "The kids are going to do it no matter what you teach them; just teach them how to use protection!" (WHA? -- you can't teach them morality, but you can teach them how to slip on a condom? One type of teaching doesn't work, but the other does?) Now a study proves that a certain type of education ACTUALLY WORKS! Educate people and they will learn! Can we educate educators? That is the ultimate question!
Evolutionary Alien Design
"[L]et's be clear: This is not evolution versus God," writes David Quammen in The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution. "The existence of God - any sort of god, personal or abstract, immanent or distant - is not what Darwin's evolutionary theory challenges. What it challenges is the supposed godliness of Man - the conviction that we above all other life forms are spiritually elevated, divinely favored, possessed of an immaterial and immortal essence, such that we have special prospects for eternity, special status in the expectations of God, special rights and responsibilities on Earth." Quammen does not flinch from "the horrible challenge" implied by Darwin's idea: "In plain language, a soul or no soul? An afterlife or not? Are humans spiritually immortal in a way that chickens or cows are not, or just another form of temporarily animated meat?"---)-----------
And which one is better? The light or dark meat? What is most horrible about this quote is that I thought Darwin's agenda was strictly the advance of scientific thought. Now I read that he was challenging the "godliness of man." That's philosophical sophistry ain't it?"[R]eligious fundamentalism is on the rise around the world, and our own virulent domestic version of it, under the rubric of 'intelligent design,' by elbowing its way into the classroom abrogates the divide between church and state that has served this country so well for so long."---)------------ I agree that "fundamentalism" is a bad, bad, bad, thing; but at least the ID guys aren't "elbowing" there way in with bombs strapped to their lab coats. Just open up the discussion about science instead of examining the agenda. The ANTI - ID guys can be just as "fundamental" about their agenda too. For example: Who says the "classroom" belongs to them?"Neil H. Shubin, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, writes of the way living things emerged from the seas and describes the recently discovered fossil specimen of that first terrestrial explorer."---)------------ HERE'S THE AGENDA OF SCIENCE, AND NO ONE CAN DENY IT! Life on earth came from aliens from outer space (begs the friggin' question doesn't it? Alien faith -- goodness, is that the "wild card line" or what?"Paleontologist Tim D. White of the University of California, Berkeley, lays out the forensic evidence of pre-human descent."---)------------ Lay out the evidence, that's great! Just show me the evidence, that's all we're asking -- not faith in alien visitations! And the evidence about descent better be decent!"Nicholas Humphrey, a professor at the Center for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics, muses on how natural selection might have produced human consciousness."---)------------ Funny. I thought I read the word "might" right there. "Might," as in -- possible, as in -- perhaps, as in, "I can't say for sure; but it's an idea I like." AS IN FAITH!! The science of evolution depends on the following phrases to complete the theory: ...most likely, ...must have, ...probably, ...seems to, (etc.) Read their texts! And so an ID guy decides to use the phrase, "...providentially," and the materialists go bezerk!"
As Quammen so ably documents, Darwin clearly understood the challenge that natural selection posed to the conventional Victorian Christian faith that sustained his friends and family. No one was more reluctant to espouse it publicly or more distressed by its implications. Indeed, it steadily undermined his own belief in God, drove a wedge into his marriage and nearly broke his health. He brooded privately over his findings for 21 years before making them public. Yet he finally embraced his brainchild, impelled by an unflinching intellectual honesty, the weight of the evidence and the imperative of an undeniable idea. "There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in the action of natural selection," Darwin wrote, "than in the course which the wind blows."---)----------- So Darwin possessed "intellectual honesty." With an honesty to quote John, Chapter 3. Interesting. I wonder if Darwin could meet the offspring of his brainchild. Would he embrace the only hope the materialists have in accounting for this whole world of nature -- visitors from another planet!? Then again, Jesus came from beyond this world too... So much we share in making sense of the world!
The Steven Epstein Prophecy
"History As a Justifier:
Before examining some broad areas of establishment-clause challenges for public religious displays, it is worth noting the concept of “ceremonial deism” — Yale University Law School Dean Eugene Rostow’s phrase for practices deemed constitutional and devoid of any religious connotation based on historical usage.
The Supreme Court repeatedly has used ceremonial deism to uphold certain practices challenged under the establishment clause (e.g., our national motto “In God We Trust,” legislative prayer, and the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance), but some legal scholars like Steven Epstein question whether mere historical usage can truly continue to validate these practices. “The year is 2096,” Epstein writes. “Muslims now comprise seventy percent of the American population, while Christians and Jews comprise only twenty-five percent collectively. Elementary school students in most public school systems begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance in which they dutifully recite that America is one nation ‘under Allah;’ our national currency — both coins and paper — contains the inscription codified as our national motto, ‘In Allah We Trust’… .” Epstein queries, “Would the average Christian or Jew seriously contend that this America of 2096 would not make them feel like outsiders in their own country? How then can Christians and Jews reconcile this feeling of exclusion with approval of a state of affairs … in which non-Christians, non-Jews, and non-religionists have no constitutional basis for attacking ‘ceremonial’ Christian or Judeo-Christian forms of government expression? More to the point, how can the Supreme Court continue to countenance these practices?” Whatever the answer, it does not appear the Supreme Court will abandon the concept of ceremonial deism anytime soon, as discussed below."---)------------ To be quite honest, Yes, I would feel like an outsider! But if it was still the best country in the world, offering me and my family the freedom to worship as I wish, then thank Allah! Unfortunately, the "Epstein Prophecy" (which may come true in part) is not founded on reality. The future of America he described will be founded upon Sharia law, and posted everywhere (Sorry 10 Commandments)! And if I'm not mistaken, my family and faith will be "posted" somewhere too... Jesus Christ, have mercy!To read more:
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