
Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Steven Epstein Prophecy

"History As a Justifier:

Before examining some broad areas of establishment-clause challenges for public religious displays, it is worth noting the concept of “ceremonial deism” — Yale University Law School Dean Eugene Rostow’s phrase for practices deemed constitutional and devoid of any religious connotation based on historical usage.

The Supreme Court repeatedly has used ceremonial deism to uphold certain practices challenged under the establishment clause (e.g., our national motto “In God We Trust,” legislative prayer, and the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance), but some legal scholars like Steven Epstein question whether mere historical usage can truly continue to validate these practices. “The year is 2096,” Epstein writes. “Muslims now comprise seventy percent of the American population, while Christians and Jews comprise only twenty-five percent collectively. Elementary school students in most public school systems begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance in which they dutifully recite that America is one nation ‘under Allah;’ our national currency — both coins and paper — contains the inscription codified as our national motto, ‘In Allah We Trust’… .” Epstein queries, “Would the average Christian or Jew seriously contend that this America of 2096 would not make them feel like outsiders in their own country? How then can Christians and Jews reconcile this feeling of exclusion with approval of a state of affairs … in which non-Christians, non-Jews, and non-religionists have no constitutional basis for attacking ‘ceremonial’ Christian or Judeo-Christian forms of government expression? More to the point, how can the Supreme Court continue to countenance these practices?” Whatever the answer, it does not appear the Supreme Court will abandon the concept of ceremonial deism anytime soon, as discussed below."

---)------------ To be quite honest, Yes, I would feel like an outsider! But if it was still the best country in the world, offering me and my family the freedom to worship as I wish, then thank Allah! Unfortunately, the "Epstein Prophecy" (which may come true in part) is not founded on reality. The future of America he described will be founded upon Sharia law, and posted everywhere (Sorry 10 Commandments)! And if I'm not mistaken, my family and faith will be "posted" somewhere too... Jesus Christ, have mercy!

To read more: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/rel_liberty/establishment/topic.aspx?topic=public_displays


  • I wouldn't "thank Allah" since "he" is an idol, a figment of the Muhammadans' imagination, and he does not resemble Yahweh, the living and true God.

    And you're right, if and when the islamists beoome a majority, they will likely try to impose Sharia Law, as they do everywhere else, for there is no such concept in the Koran of "separation of mosque and state."

    By Blogger Van, at 11:23 AM  

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