
Monday, August 21, 2006

Sassy Class

"Philadelphia, PA (LifeNews.com) -- A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania finds that teaching abstinence education to young teenagers in public schools reduces their sexual behavior. The study found that abstinence helped delay the starting point at which teenagers begin having sexual relations. The Penn researchers studied 662 African-American students in 6th and 7th grade from inner-city schools in Philadelphia. They found that those who were taught abstinence were less likely to have had sexual relations in a 24 month followup compared to those who were taught about safer sex through the use of condoms but didn't mention abstinence...."
---)------------ Here is where the "Education Crowd" gets me. On one hand, education is the salvation for the uninformed masses -- until it comes to ABSTINENCE! "The kids are going to do it no matter what you teach them; just teach them how to use protection!" (WHA? -- you can't teach them morality, but you can teach them how to slip on a condom? One type of teaching doesn't work, but the other does?) Now a study proves that a certain type of education ACTUALLY WORKS! Educate people and they will learn! Can we educate educators? That is the ultimate question!


  • You mean teaching abstinence helps reduce teenage sexual behavior more than showing them pornographic movies and then handing out condoms!??

    It's obvious to anyone paying attention that there is a hidden agenda to allow kids to keep doing what they want. Maybe that's because the adults in charge know that if they tell teens to stop being permiscuous, then logically they will have to stop sleeping around as well?

    By Blogger Van, at 3:39 PM  

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